klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Diskusjon rundt Mac OS

Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav Larsaronen » fre 26.09.2008 12:12

Oppfølger spm som du kanskje kan svare på da: Jeg ville gjerne ha sortet filer og mapper slik som i windows, dvs at mappene kommer alfabetisk først, og deretter kommer filene alfabetisk. Er litt rotetet når man har mange filer at den sorterer både filer og mapper alfabetisk under å skille dem.

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Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav Talle » fre 26.09.2008 12:21

kesse: må nok være noe annet du har gjort også, for det er litt tilfeldig hvor mappene havner her om jeg bruker dette. Men ihvertfall så later det til at den holder mappene samlet. Men f.eks. nå har jeg først en dmg fil, deretter mappene, så .mov filene (bare ett eks.)

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Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav T.B.Hansen » fre 26.09.2008 12:28

Du kan gjøre disse innstillingene i Spotlight. De gjelder da hvordan resultatet av søk blir listet.

Jeg har aldri sett at de kan gjøres generelt i Finder. Vet at mange Windows-brukere ønsker mappene først, men for meg er det mest logisk at alt sorteres alfabetisk, så jeg har aldri følt behov for å forandre på det.

Sikkert fordi jeg sjelden eller aldri har mapper og dokumenter liggende på samme nivå. Filer som hører sammen ligger i samme mappe. Typisk vil jeg ha en mappe i Dokumenter for hvert «prosjekt». Denne mappen inneholder toppen et par filer, pluss mapper for alle typer dokumenter jeg benytter i prosjektet; evt mapper for ulike «undertemaer», om det er en mer aktuell organsierinsgmåte. Med Kolonnevisning gir dette suveren oversikt og lynrask navigering, og det er lett å flytte eller kopiere filer mellom mappene. Ligger mappene jeg trenger langt fra hverandre, har jeg selvfølgelig flere vinduer åpne.

Vanens makt, smak og behag etc...

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Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav Talle » fre 26.09.2008 12:37

Spotlight ja, ser der tenker jeg du kom med fasiten.

Takker så meget. Ser ut som mac1 forumet har spart meg for en reinstallasjon idag. Så nå skal jeg ringe support opp igjen og fortelle dem hva jeg synes om dette. At dem sier at reinstallasjon er løsningen på mitt problem, når alt er som det skal være er drøyt. Jeg er ihvertfall sjeleglad for at jeg ikke kjøpe den applecare protection plan eller hva det heter. Ser ikke ut som den er verdt papiret den er skrevet på engang.

Men nok en gang: takk for hjelpen. Nå får jeg bare snu vanene mine mot OS X :)

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Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav T.B.Hansen » fre 26.09.2008 12:59

Reinstallasjon er veldig sjelden nødvendig...

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Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav Talle » fre 03.10.2008 13:18

Jeg vender litt tilbake med spm'et angående dette å sortere filer / mapper slik at mappene først kommer i alfabetisk rekkefølge, og deretter filene i alfabetisk rekkefølge. Om jeg endrer det slik at mappene skal være det første som vises, i spotlight, så endres dette KUN i spotlight, og ikke i finder (og alle andre programmer). Noen som har en løsning på det ? Altså jeg vil ha sortert filene slik at først kommer mappene i alfabetisk rekkefølge, og deretter filene i alfabetisk rekkefølge.

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Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav Dorian » fre 03.10.2008 13:45

Google er din venn =)
http://www.bece.org/Home/tabid/36/Entry ... fault.aspx
Ser ut som dette trikset er det du er ute etter. Jeg har aldri prøvd dette, og for alt jeg vet kan det hende at det ødelegger macen din og kverker katta di, men det kan jo være verdt å prøve! Husk å ta backup av systemfiler du endrer.
medlem i 238 måneder

Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav T.B.Hansen » fre 03.10.2008 14:09

Dette er et gammelt juksetricks man brukte før OS X, og som ennå er greit å ha i programmer/funskjoner der man ikke kan sette opp «snarveier» etter eget hode.
Å bruke mellomrom før mappe/filnavnet ser ellers mindre håpløst ut enn tilde eller andre tegn. To mellomrom sorteres før ett mellomrom; tre mellomrom før to o.s.v.

Men hvorfor gjøre det så tungvint, når man kan oppnå langt bedre oversikt og raskere navigering ved å lage et enkelt hierarki, med undermapper i en hovedmappe og filer i undermappene?

Man får ikke utnyttet fordelene ved Mac før man tar i bruk mulighetene i Finder, i stedet for å forsøke å etterligne Windows Utforsker.

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Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav arntss » fre 03.10.2008 14:34

Å få Mac os til å virke som Windows var også samme feilen som jeg, og mange andre switchere, har prøvd OG feilet med. Dette går bare ikke.
Tenk nytt (kast alt av gamle Windows-vaner) og benytt det du har slik det er ment å brukes.
Kolonnevisning i finder er helt genial og jeg bruker ikke annet, ja ja jeg bruker kanskje symbolvisning eller "coverflow"-visning for at ting skal "se bedre ut" innimellom, men særlig brukervennlig synes jeg ikke det er.
Når det gjelder mapper og prosjekter så er T.B. Hansen og jeg helt enig i at det er meget lurt å samle alle mapper/filer som hører til i samme prosjekt i undermapper til hovedmappen til prosjektet. Dette gir deg lett tilgjengelighet og meget god oversikt, spesielt ved å bruke kolonnevisning.

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Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav baiaz » ons 17.12.2008 8:27

En kollega av meg brukte MacPilot for å aktivere KLIPP UT i Finder!!! Det funker visst som bare F.....

Her er noen av funksjonene dette programmet skal ha:


Show icons on the Desktop
Show hidden files and folders
Enable the "Cut" menu item
Disable custom icons on removable and remote volumes
Prevent .DS_Store creation on a network
Toggle window state restoration on restart
Disable Finder alternating row colors
Turn off interface sound effects
Add a "Quit Finder" menu item
Toggle Finder visual effects
Hide & disable Finder menu items
Show POSIX path in window titles
Change the Finder Label Line Count
Disable Desktop Icons
Increase icon grid padding
Modify max. characters shown in file names
Restrict access to certain Finder operations


Disable launch animation
Prevent bounce notifications
Enable single application mode
Spring load all items
Toggle feature to turn icons for hidden applications transparent
Automatically hide/show the Dock
Limit the Dock to only open applications
Disable Leopard's 3D Dock appearance
Toggle the Dock shadow
Toggle the Dock magnification
Highlight stack items on mouse-over
Include a "Recent Items" stack
Lock the size, position, orientation, contents, magnification, and effect of the dock
Change the orientation, pinning, and effect


Show the Debug menu
Disable native PDF support
Buffer text drawing
Disable RSS support
Enable background printing by default
Print headers and footers by default
Verbose logging
Always check for world leaks
Enable the tab bar
Forget that Netscape, Mozilla or IE bookmarks were imported
Show the Safari build number in the window title
Enable tool-tip mouse overs for links
Log JavaScript exceptions
Reduce timed delay before rendering a page and scrolling
Disable and delete the cache
Turn off site icons or change their storage location
Change cache & history limits and options


Enable bundle plugins
Enable Java & JavaScript
Disable auto check for new mail on launch
Show invisible control characters in message source
Use Plain Text message content by default instead of HTML
Allow JavaScript popup windows
Automatically add invitations to iCal
Change bundle compatibility version
Enable numerous logging options
Increase the debugging log level

Automatically mount disks without user login
Skip disk image checksum verification
Show every partition in Disk Utility
Include the Disk Utility debug menu
Show advanced disk image options in Disk Utility
Add Eject menu to the menubar
Change UPS and Battery disk spindown time
Toggle the sudden motion sensor for drives
View detailed disk information such as partition type, free space, boot flags, and more.
Verify disk permissions
Repair disk permissions
Enable or disable journaling
Verify and repair disks
Repair Mac OS 9 permissions


View detailed network statistics and setting information for each device
Change over 50 advanced network settings manually
Optimize for broadband (cable modem, DSL, PPPoE, Satellite, and more!)
Sharing (Server)
List the server on AppleTalk and/or Bonjour
Allow guest and/or root login
Create home folders if they do not exist
Enforce home folder quotas
Grant admin users root access
Allow admins to masquerade as other users
Force Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 admins to only see shares instead of all disks
Auto-restart the file server on crash
Enable bit locking
Change the server name
Enable the server greeting, and choose to only send once
Enact a different server permissions model
Change the TCP Message Quantum
Increase the maximum server connections
Change the TTL of the Server Token Key
Increase the TTL of the Reconnect Token
Modify the maximum thread limit
Specify a maximum number of guests
Tinker with the tickle time
Change the AFP Server port
Determine which encoding to use with Mac OS 9 clients
Modify the authentication mode
Set the reconnect flag
Notify connecting users if the server is full
Enable SSH Tunneling
Enable idle disconnect for admins, guests, active users, and registered users
Allow clients to sleep, and for how long
Set the idle disconnect time
Create an idle disconnect message
Enable logging of file creations, deletions and opens, folder creations, logins, and logouts
Change the activity and error log size and retention


Disable a secondary processor
Mute the startup chime
Show kernel panics on screen
Use Power Button as NMI
Limit the amount of system RAM
Show active screen corners
Change the startup mode to Normal, Verbose, Safe or Single User
Specify custom boot arguements
Change the default umask for file permissions
Modify the default behavior of the crash reporter
Sharing (Client)
Show the authentication type
Allow clear text passwords
Show warning for clear text passwords
Display login greeting
Immutable directories
Soft auto-mount directories
Display SSH warning
Allow, Force, and/or Require SSH
Force Kerberos
Soft-mount volumes
Use default username
Use short username
Log debugging information
Allow reconnects
Allow Add to Keychain option
Search Keychain for username and password
Change the debug level
Specify a new reconnect interval, max retries, and timeout
Choose an idle and active timeout
Modify the WAN Threshold and Quantum
Change the TTL of the file and directory caches
Enable new mount flags
Force a new default username


Reduce the processor speed
Wake on modem ring
Toggle the option to wake when the laptop lid is opened
Determine if the laptop should wake when the power source is changed
Dynamically reduce processor speed based on load
Sleep when power button pushed
Display sleep dims screen, not turns it off
Wake for ethernet activity
Change hibernation mode
Move the hibernation file
Schedule power events to wake, sleep, shutdown, or startup the computer
Login Window
Disable >console access
Hide admin, local, network, and other users
Enable Kiosk mode
Remove the restart, shutdown or sleep buttons
Use text fields instead of icons
Show input menu
Show admin host info (ip, date/time, OS version, etc.)
Change desktop picture
Modify the retries until password hint
Set welcome text
Enable a startup delay


Lock or unlock files or folders
Visify or invisify files or folders
Delete files or folders securely with root permissions
Verify preference file integrity
Erase unused preference files
Wipe Access Control List Data (ACL)
Erase icon cache
Clear recent files list
Clear user cache
Erase .DS_Store files from a given folder
Force empty trash
Create symbolic link
Slim binaries to PPC or Intel only
Search and rebuild the locate database
View, search, and print UNIX manuals
Run periodic system maintenance scripts
Rebuild Help Viewer database
Rebuild Launch Services Database
Install Archives preferences pane
Update or rebuild prebinding
Launch UNIX CUPS Printing System configuration manager
Flush System DNS Cache
Show the system screensaver on the desktop
Reset the printing system
Remove unwanted language files
Hide, disable, delete, and clean login items
View detailed Spotlight information for volumes
Delete Spotlight index
Toggle Spotlight on desired volumes


Specify new default system fonts for applications, messages, labels, tool tips, palettes, title bars, and more
Set a new text smoothing limit
View, empty, delete, print system logs
Show Debug Menu in Address Book, iCal, or Apple Remote Desktop 3
Show QuickTime info window at launch
Option-click moves cursor to Terminal
Terminal window focus follows mouse
iPhoto asks for launch after hot plug
Use expanded print dialog as default
Dashboard developer mode
Point iTunes Music Store links to Library
Disable the Terminal scrollbar
Play high definitiion Front Row trailers
Disable dashboard
Show Exposé blob
Disable internet DMG functionality
Enable picture-in-picture Exposé mode
Change the default screenshot format, name, and destination
Decrease window resize speed
Modify the drag and drop delay
Enable Quartz interface scaling
Disable menubar transparency in Leopard
Change the scrollbar arrow orientation
Modify the recent items limit
View a complete system profile
Display a character map for any font, including ASCII, Hex, Octal, Binary codes and Mac and PC Key combos
Show the syetm Keyboard Viewer
View a complete list of system key combinations
Study the list of registered internet ports
Search a complete database of Mac Error Codes with descriptions
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User Reviews

"Great application, I had no idea how many features that could be enabled." — Christophero via MU
"I just checked out Mac Pilot for the first time. Excellent job!" — Jasontrauer via MU
"The amount of features is truly outstanding in this app." — Arkhamasylum1 via VT
"good value for the number of cool things you get tinker around with and improve your system! " — Aleixr
"MacPilot keeps getting better with each release, and it seems to be growing exponentially faster than some of the other similar products. Keep up the great work!" — keenrichard35
"I really like Mac Pilot. Great product! Every time I used it, there was always something new I discovered could be done with the software -- a truly 'Swiss Army Knife' utility." — Scott Johnson
"This utility - and what else does one need, anymore - just keeps getting better and better. I've stopped using everything else I once bought." — ZO219
"MacPilot offers so many features all in one application. No need to pay for other apps when this one can do so many things. I especially like the advanced customization features." — Dai Yi
"This does so many things that it is likely there is SOMETHING on the list that will help you." — Fonix
"Wow, this app does a TON of things. Some of them are real time savers. " — NeoX
"This looks like it does a lot more than Cocktail or Onyx. Each program has its niche area, so I guess I can use all three together nicely." — Madcran
"It's amazing how many useful options are in the screenshot alone. Hard to believe that Apple leaves so much out in order to simplify the user experience." — Ghostcat
"This app is an all in one app! Incredible !" — Sangheeta
"I use this app regularly. All options and functions to tweak my system are available from one easy interface. It really isn't as intimidating as it looks, once you get down to taking a look at it." — Kagaminok
"MacPilot is a truly great application." — Chris Thomson
"I've tried other apps like MacPilot .... but nothing compares to or gets updated as much as good ol' MP!" — Amplifyfitness
"I usually use Onyx, but this may be better." — Cenocre
"I think it's the best tool for the job!!! Great interface, easy to handle, tons of functions at your mouse-click." — AviationSteve
"As an old windows user, I need CUT feature. Great little app." — Mauritz Nordlund
" MacPilot was one of the first applications I bought when I made the switch. Great program! " — AcPaulley
"The app is so usefull. I use Onyx and Cocktail, too. But I think this is a real alternative. The killer feature is "10.5. recomanded"! " — Mac Andy
"I'm not sure I'd use MacPilot to enable hidden features in Leopard, but I certainly would use it for optimizing my system." — Boysbytes
"A great maintenance app for your tool chest!" — AndyRogers
"This software does come in handy to tweak OS X." — Britoni
"This looks like a great app!! I will admit to enjoying 'tinkering' around with things. " — Kehophoto
"I've always been an Onyx user. Since they took so long to get up to speed with Leopard, I switched to MacPilot. No regrets...Just the Finder tweaks alone make this app worth the money. Of course I also like the Safari tweaks, too" — AmplifyFitness
"|Looks like a rather essential 'corner cutter' to me; tons of options to tweak the basic Mac os interface. " — Gorelet
"Looking forward to getting under the hood of my MacPro system. This tool looks very useful for a tuneup." — MatchMan
"This app rocks - it has almost every tweak in it that you will ever need to make modifications to the OS without having to touch .plist files!" — Acadiel
"MacPilot's interface seems a bit daunting at first due to the amount of options that it makes available to you, but for most of us it's easier and better than remembering an obscure terminal command." — Ghostcat
"This could be extremely useful. I tend to script these things myself, would be nice to have it automated." — Dfed
"Congrats on your new MacPilot, it's a really nice app." — Michael Kincaid
"MacPilot = Good Stuff. Well worth the money. Thanks!" — Alex Tafoya
"Very nicely done." — Paul Scandariato
"The best utility of all log Files." — Kinkos_nkc
"I think MacPilot is a good application to optimize the Mac, it is helpful to check and repair the system. MacPilot also gives a shiny touch to the Mac. " — Cilalu
"I find MacPilot to have several features in it that make it worth its license purchasing, as you would be purchasing seperate applications to gain what MacPilot has to offer (e.g. the network settings). " — Mac_1984
"It's definitely nice to have everything in one program instead of having to use 3 or 4." — Chrisdisregard
"I am quite new to Mac. MacPilot seems to be a very good utility, useful and simple to use." — Alberto2602_dotmac
"The one thing I really like about MacPilot is that it has a very easy UI. Time stretched people like myself really appreciate an app that's easy and quick to use despite the fact that there may be other apps out there that do similar things. MacPilot is well set out, is a no brainer and is simply quicker to use." — Aprillovesmacs
"Thanks for a great little program that lets me do things I didn't even know I wanted to do." — Tswensen
"The unique options are hidden features in Mail, Safari, and Address Book as well as control of logs and caches... It's comforting to know that most of the tabbed categories offer buttons to "Revert To Defaults. " — Derek Currie
"The perfect 'Swiss Army Knife' for the Mac. Don't run your Mac without MacPilot!" — GCG
"What a great little app! Exactly what I was looking for to replace all the other utilities that did one thing or another but not all in one package. The little tool tips under each possible choice are the icing on the cake. " — Zapp Brannigan
"The developer must be glowing blue-white by now. Amazing collection of features - kudos!" — Holypoly
"This is the most comprehensive OS X utility made." — Huevox
"MacPilot is nothing less then a five star app." — Elachowitz
"LOVE MacPilot!" — Opal Girtman

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Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav gorjan » ons 17.12.2008 11:46

Så vidt jeg husker så sliter Mac OS X med klipp ut fordi den sletter filene selv om kopieringen feiler. Med andre ord, hvis du kopirer til flash eller ekstern disk som faller ut e.l. så vil OSet slette filen fra originalplasseringen selv om denne ikke ble overført korrekt. Med andre ord så mister man både originalen og kopien. Sannsynligvis så har de fjernet klipp ut som standard-opsjon inntil de fikser dette.

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medlem i 198 måneder

Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav Tobbe_82 » fre 21.08.2015 22:13


Er det kommet en ordning på dette nå?

Fyi: om en kikker i Redigermenyen under Finder så ser en at valget står der med "Klipp ut" CMD+X.

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Re: klipp ut er ikke mulig å velge ?

Innleggav Superhai » lør 22.08.2015 1:13

Tobbe_82 skrev:Fyi: om en kikker i Redigermenyen under Finder så ser en at valget står der med "Klipp ut" CMD+X.

"Klipp Ut" er ikke automatisk tilgjengelig i Finder fordi, den funksjonen "klipper ut" (altså sletter) og om man ikke limer inn igjen så forsvinner filene.

Om du vil ha tilsvarende funksjon som "Klipp Ut" -> "Lim Inn" i Windows, så bruker du "Kopier" (cmd+v) og "Flytt" (cmd+alt+v).

Semantisk er også Finder-versjonen mer riktig.
medlem i 132 måneder


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