
Filmanbefalinger. Sett en bra film?

Innleggav limbo » lør 23.12.2006 21:30

Rart ingen har nevnt Rainman filmen!
"I gotta buy my boxershorts at kmart" Eller noe sånt

Bruce Almighty:
"Spank me all might spanker" Eller noe sånt.

En eller annen fleksnes film:
Marve skulle ha asken sin på et syltetøy glass hvor det skulle stå:
Her hviler "et skattenr." Så skulle det står at han kom, ble svett. Og dett var dett.

grevinnen og hovmestern:
Cherio ms. sofie

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Innleggav Pete424 » lør 23.12.2006 22:17

You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?
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Innleggav Henrik Lied » lør 23.12.2006 22:38

Thank You For Smoking er vel kanskje den filmen med mest geniale sitater hittil:
Jeff Megall: Sony has a futuristic sci-fi movie they're looking to make.
Nick Naylor: Cigarettes in space?
Jeff Megall: It's the final frontier, Nick.
Nick Naylor: But wouldn't they blow up in an all oxygen environment?
Jeff Megall: ....probably. But it's an easy fix. One line of dialogue. 'Thank God we invented the... you know, whatever device.'
You know the guy who can pick up any girl? I'm him. On crack.
Michael Jordan plays ball. Charles Manson kills people. I talk. Everyone has a talent.
That's the beauty of argument, if you argue correctly, you're never wrong.
BR: Oh, I heard the Heather Holloway article is coming out tomorrow.
Nick Naylor: Really?
BR: Yeah, anything I should be worried about?
Nick Naylor: Yeah, the Cancer Association. Apparently they have it in for us.
BR: Fuckers.

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Innleggav Beining » søn 24.12.2006 2:30

Ingen over ingen ved siden:

"You dont have time to think up there, if you think. YOU´RE DEAD!"

Fra av en tidens beste film

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Innleggav NuSkool » tir 06.02.2007 22:06

And Shepherds we shall be
For thee, my Lord, for thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand
Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee
And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti.

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Innleggav Macca » tir 06.02.2007 23:19

Si hvor dere har sitatene fra, da! Jeg tipper Top Gun (Beining) og The Boondock Saints (NuSkool).


"And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
Monty Python, Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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Innleggav Blomvik » ons 07.02.2007 17:04

NuSkool skrev:And Shepherds we shall be
For thee, my Lord, for thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand
Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee
And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti.

Jeg elsker den filmen !
medlem i 228 måneder

Innleggav haartufs » ons 07.02.2007 18:38

"I never try anything, I just do it. Wanna try me?"
-Look, I don't know what the hell your point is, but...
The point is of no return and you've reached it!

Russ Meyer <3

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Innleggav MadHatter » man 19.02.2007 22:29

What is real, how do we define real? If real only is what we can taste, touch, smell and feel then real is simply electrified signals interpeted by our brain.
- Morpheus<3 :rolls eyes:

Matrix har den vakreste filosofien om hva virkelighet er.

Edit:Dr. Strangelove
"- You can`t fight here, it`s a war room!"

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Innleggav Ingemmac » søn 18.03.2007 12:46

Pirates of the Caribbean:
(Commandore duden): Jack Sparrow, the worst pirate Ive ever heard of..
(Jack Sparrow):But you [/u]HAVE heard of me

Dude whers´s my car:
(I politiavhør med den dokka som blir mishandla, blonde duden): Don´t hurt him! He dosn´t know anything!
(når de stikker ut): Hang in there buddy!

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Innleggav Holyman » fre 23.03.2007 1:33

Donnie Darko

"Why are you wearing that stupid Bunny-siute?"
"Why are you wearing taht stupid man-siute?"

Ford Fairlane

"So many assholes. So few bullets"

"Some people play hard to get. I play hard to want!"

"Un-f***ing-beliveble! Eh?"

En annen klassiker fra Jackie Brown er:

Ordell Robbie: What the fuck you doin' knockin on the door like the goddamn police? You wanna die?
Max Cherry: I thought you might be asleep.
Ordell Robbie: You keep fuckin' with me, you're gonna be asleep forever.

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Innleggav Ingemmac » fre 30.03.2007 15:11

så 300 her forleden dag, masse bra replikker:
"This is where we fight, this is where they die!"

"we will block out the sun with our arrows!" "Then we will fight in the shade"

"Eat your breakfast men! because tonight we dine in hell!"

"So, you want me to kneel... well, when I was slaughtering you men I got a cramp in my thigh, so kneeling would be rather painfull.."

non av de mange

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Innleggav CBlomvik » man 16.07.2007 2:59

You are not familiar with the focusing disintegrating ray?
- ..... The what?
it projects an isolated beam which separates the molecules of living material.

Teenagers From Space er filmen. Er ikke hver dag en ser en film som heter "Teenagers from space" som egentlig er fullvoksne utnomjordiske-mennesker, som snakker amerikansk, som planter ett "monster" på jorda, som er så liten som handa di som liten men blir like stor som The White House iløpet av en dag, og som på slutten av filmen viser seg til å¨være en kreps de holder forran kamera. Priceless.

Eg elsker gamle dritfilmer :-)

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Re: Filmsitater

Innleggav iatros » fre 20.06.2008 12:49

Overrasker meg at ingen har nevnt The Big Lebowski:

"Nobody fucks with the Jesus"
"Who the fuck are the Knutsens?"
"I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars"
"This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!"

Fantastisk film... :)

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Re: Filmsitater

Innleggav vegardtveito » lør 23.08.2008 1:02

"That rug really tied the room together. " ;)

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